
Completed Film Website

Access the film's promotional website by clicking here.

Here is a link to my completed promotional film website. It is a very basic website, including teaser images, information on the forthcoming film, and the teaser trailer itself. I took into account the research I had conducted previous to creating the website. Although I could not match the standard these film websites have set, I have included some of the positive conventions I discovered; the website is consistent with the style of the film, using the same font for the title as seen in the teaser trailer, and the same simple, bold colours as used in the trailer. On each page is an excellent image representing moments from the teaser trailer of the film, and reinforcing the genre of the production. I also included institutional information at the bottom of the page, including the company credits and cast. As well as this, I have a countdown timer to the release date of the production to increase the excitement for the film. This website, although very basic, serves its purpose to inform and excite the audience about 'Face The Truth'.


Beauchamps Media said...

Love the base image for your site Luke, suitably enigmatic and indefinable. An effective synopsis and great stills of your main characters. Well done.

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