
Completed Teaser Trailer

I have now completed creating my teaser trailer. I took into account all of the formal audience feedback I received following the completion of the rough cut, and requested some smaller audiences to view the teaser trailer throughout the processs as I was making improvements. I have now: included authentic institutional details at the beginning and end of the trailer; reshot the newroom scene; included a picture of 'Daniel Woods' and an institutional logo in the newsroom scene; increased the pace of the production; added fade to black edits to increase tension; removed some of the amateur sounds (knocking the camera, etc); and removed the final shot where the female hits the male. I have also done my best to retain the powerful moment where the audience realises the female has kidnapped the male.

This final cut is far superior to the rough cut, having applied all the necessary changes to increase the quality and accuracy of the teaser trailer in accordance to the suggestions I received through audience feedback.


Beauchamps Media said...

Powerful stuff Luke, very effective, enigmatic and intriguing. I love the flashbacks of the abduction- a subtle but valuable glimpse of a key moment. I really want to see this film! .

Anonymous said...

hey nice shorts

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