
Photographic Storyboard

Here is my completed photographic storyboard. Th images are cropped screen shots of the storyboard. I have used my drawn storyboard to direct the photographs taken. These photographs represent the shots planned for the production; however, actual shots may differ to those shown. Moreover, I have used the same actors throughout the storyboard, even though they represent different characters, and a different cast will be used for the actual production.


Luke said...


Luke said...

And I've added the navbar, and taken the privacy off... It's taken me well over an hour, but I've DONE IT!!

Beauchamps Media said...

As I see, well done Luke, it makes my life easier! I would still like visible version of the storyboard on here please, I know that you've completed the drawn storyboard but only a small section of it can be seen and I would like to interpret it in terms of narrative structure. Your characterisation ideas are so strong, subverting stereotypes with confidence; it would be nice to consider your narrative in the same depth when I can study without interruption. km

Beauchamps Media said...

Excellent planning and use of terminology, you have built a complex and interesting narrative. Km

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